Price Check

“I won’t ever have enough because none of us do.”

When Megan finds herself trapped in line at the grocery behind someone who’s carefully price checking each and every item, she impatiently wonders just how long a wait she’s in for. Eventually though, she realizes that this customer’s needs far outweigh her means.

This woman’s predicament in the checkout line is the plight of us all. Each of us have a need that’s far bigger than what we have the means to cover, a cost that we can’t begin to pay. That’s why the Son of God stepped in paid it for us… paid for all of it for all of us.

What began as an everyday inconvenience becomes a powerful reminder of the sacrifice and generosity offered to us all through Jesus.

*Price Check* invites viewers to reflect on Jesus' redemptive act, reminding us that we are all indebted and imperfect, yet offered immeasurable grace and love.


Here and Everywhere

